Namasthe Ayurveda mission in Varkala, We are providing ayurvedic treatments like ayurvedic massage, panchakarma, mud theraoy, stress management program, healing, yoga etc in Varkala beach, Trivandrum, Kerala.


Наша аюрведическая компания, основанная в Варкале, в основном занимается предоставлением подлинных и эксклюзивных аюрведических процедур и методов лечения пациентам со всей Индии и за рубежом. Наша роль в практике и распространении аюрведы является образцовой и отмеченной. Широкий ассортимент аюрведических лекарств, консультации специалистов и методы лечения доступны здесь. Аюрведа - это медицинская система лечения органическими лекарствами и целостного подхода. Он помогает поддерживать здоровье, принимая во внимание обследования тела и ума для диагностики и ведения болезни. Лечение основано на естественных методах, таких как массаж, некоторые специфические методы лечения, диета, йога и медитация в сочетании с растительными лекарственными средствами. Симптомы болезни исчезли шаг за шагом через детоксикацию, и она скоро излечится. В качестве профилактического метода мы также можем проводить такие виды лечения. Основы этой системы берет свое начало 5000 лет назад, когда мудрецы / йоги начали изучать бессмертие. Конкретно в Ведах об этом говорится.


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Лечение Широдхары в Амаведической Миссии Намасте

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Аюрведическое обезболивающее лечение в Namasthe Ayurvedic Mission

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10/10/2018: широдхара + массаж тела только за 1500 10/10/18: Волшебный джекпот предлагает скидки 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% ......

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Пляж Варкала - единственное место в южной части Кералы, где скалы находятся рядом с Аравийским морем. Эти утесы третичной осадочной формации являются уникальной геологической особенностью в остальном ...

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2019-12-24 08:38:48

Ayurveda is a traditional treatment which gives a harmony to the body and health which enhance your thinking and body stability and mind. Spa is a modern concept which provides health enhancement techniques which also serves the same result but in entirely a different way.

Ayurveda is a traditional treatment which gives a harmony to the body and health which enhance your thinking and body stability and mind. Spa is a modern concept which provides health enhancement techniques which also serves the same result but in entirely a different way.

2019-12-24 08:39:35

Ayurveda treatment for back pain?

KATIVASTHI is the best remedy for lower back pain. This allows you to position the bones and reduce injuries and also creates movements, strengthening the bones, nerves, ligaments, and connective tissues.

2019-12-24 08:40:02

Best Ayurveda Treatments in Varkala?

Ayurveda treatments are the best medicine for your body and inner soul; this must be exercised in a good eco-friendly atmosphere. You can always do it with perfection in Varkala. The main reason behind the Namaste Ayurveda to be considered as one of the best Ayurveda hospitals in Kerala, because we are situated facing Varkala beach. The breeze on the beach carries the smell of Ayurveda all over Varkala. We provide wide varieties of treatments;

2020-01-01 11:02:59

How Panchakarma treatment helps the body and makes it better?

Panchakarma treatment is a very ancient and traditional 5 step method which serves as a part in Ayurveda treatments. This treatment rejuvenates your body, mind and soul. This treatment consists of a healing kit Chari diet, medicated oil- massage, dedicated steam baths, cleansing enemas and much more cleansing process. Namaste Ayurveda oozing from the roots of Ayurveda books, by which we creates the effective implementation of the ancient Panchakarma treatment which helps you to reboot the energy, body and mind. We have the best Ayurveda treatment in Varkala, so by that we are still in top among other Ayurveda hospital in Varkala.

2020-01-01 11:03:27

How long it takes to finish Panchakarma treatment?

There is no predetermined time duration for Panchakarma treatments. Mostly it ranges from minimum 7 days up to maximum 60 days. But it’s not a predetermined course. This will increase by how your body reacts to the medicines. Namaste Ayurveda, Varkala can provide good and effective Panchakarma treatments in less than 60 days.

2020-01-01 11:03:53

Best detoxification Ayurveda treatment in Kerala?

Virechanam is a purification treatment in Ayurveda, this treatment is used to clean the toxins on the body so as to keep your health and maintain your body equilibrium. You can experience the best of it in Namaste Ayurveda hospital at Varkala; we have a specialized team for detoxification process. The treatments we follow are the ancient method so there is no chance of side effects or after effects. The methods are 100 percent proven.

2020-01-01 11:04:26

Is Nasya Treatment in Ayurveda is effective?

Nasya is one of the very effective treatments in Ayurveda. This treatment can only be performed by experts. The Nasya is a method of putting a mix of medicines through the nose to the head which detoxifies and also it can enhance emotions and senses, can prevent premature hair graying, and can keep eyes, nose, and ear healthier always. Namaste Ayurveda hospital provides with a very traditional approach of Nasya treatment and makes the treatment more effective and with 100 percent result. We have vaidans who are capable of performing this treatment with an experience more than two decades.